Lost In Neopolis | Play on gd.games

The game is now on Google Play (link below).

Thank you for playing!

Also, I noticed that when you search “lost in neopolis” on Google, it shows you some unofficial uploads of the game to APK websites. Just to say, the only OFFICIAL releases of this game, are on gd.games, the Google Play Store and on my website (probably going to take that down). If you want to download the game on one of the APK websites, do so at your own risk, as I never uploaded the game there. As for an Amazon app store release, may it will come.

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Beautiful simple game. The background gives sense of melancholy, which is not bad.

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Hello, I like it. It’s fun !!

I suggest you to move the skyline a little: when you are jumping high and the walls aren’t visible, you don’t have the perception where are floors and walls.

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