Hello everyone!
We are two guys making a platform video game, anime style, with GDevelop.
It is about a magic apprentice that desperately materialize random objects to attack and a magic shield to defend, trying to defeat (not so evil) master witches.
Wow!, looks incredible… the game, the game
Great work here, seriously, make a good platformer with challenging (but not impossible) obstacles is not easy at all. The combat, especially against the bosses, seems to be super funny too
Thank you! we are trying to make it just like you are saying, challenging but not impossible, funny to play and with good emm… visuals (wink wink)
Thanx again for your comment and sorry for the bad english
the platformer I could see on this forum, the animations are really beautiful, can I ask you the game was developed with the NATIVE version or HTML5 ??
However still congratulations, on steam? yes, I think it’s a great platform, if people like playing there is a good chance that it will become viral.
However it continues with videos on youtube and with promotions on facebook, they are the best thing.
The graphics are great and the animations are very nice.
Wow! thank you so much Luca! We hope so, we are putting all our hopes and effort on this work and we are so glad that you are liking it.
We are using the NATIVE version by the way.
Sorry for bad english
Hello everyone!!
It’s been a long time since we post the game here, remember we are just two guys that know nothing about making a video game
We are still working on the game and we are almost there, just finishing some details and composing the music…
The original post is updated so please take a look
Thank you! we were working on it and as we advance we’re learning too, so when almost finishing the game, we looked back and see a lot of things that we could do better, in programming (AI, optimizing, behaviors, etc.) and art (animations, drawings, effects, music)… here is a little example:
Hello everyone, we couldn’t edit this topic, so we made a new one, with new info and a new video.
Here: Magical miri (we are on steam!)
Thank you for your support!