Making Among Us Template (In Progress)

Among Us Template in progress :blush:

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Among Us Template in progress #2 :blush:

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Among Us Template in progress #3 :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is it safe that you call it ā€œAmong Us Templateā€ (ā€œAmong Usā€) and use its characater as thumbnail?
Somehow this is looking official?

On YouTube, yes, itā€™s safe.
In GDevelop, no, thatā€™s why if you see the video, in game title, the template will be called
Impostor Alert :slight_smile:

Among Us Template in progress #4 :slight_smile:

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I m really excied for it please message me when its done

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Will this template be free?

Thank you for your interest in the upcoming Among Us game template :blush:
The template will be paid, but for a very tiny price, just like all my other templates :wink:

You can find all my templates here :heart:

or on my YouTube channel:

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I hqve request that can you start making the games for wndroid too becuase I like some of your games like the haunted dungeon rts template but the problem is they are not playable on android so can you please make this template for android too

Yes, I make PC templates mainly, though Itā€™s easy to add mobile controls to any of my templates :slight_smile:

But donā€™t worry, Among Us template will support PC and Mobile :wink:

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Among Us Template in progress #5 :slight_smile:

Among Us Template in progress, the FINAL update before the release :fire:

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Just curious:
How are templates sold? I know there are quality tests but does anyone sell their template or specific people?

My templates are available on GDevelop store and on my itch page:

If your question was on who sell templates on GDevelop store, then anyone can, but the template quality must be high enough to get accepted into gdevelop store.