I’ve finally released a beta version of my first platformer Mathio Whirled.
Your job is to guide Mathio around the factory. Simply catch an operator (±x÷), then catch a number, and finally solve the resulting sum by collecting the correct coins. Once you’ve solved it, move on and continue the calculation by grabbing the next operator. Simple!
Or is it? Now do all that while trying to navigate your way around the factory platforms. And if that’s too easy, as you progress you will need to rely on your memory and well as your maths skills.
All transitions seem slow and take too much time.
I recommend you 200ms (0.2 seconds) for transitions.
The slow transitions frustrated me a lot to the point I quitted the tutorial.
Thanks for the feedback. I added in an extra summary of the game before that tutorial level, so I don’t know if it’s really necessary now. It’s especially bad if you meant you quit.
Posted v0.9.2
I’ve updated the tutorial level to use a completely different system for the text. I’ve got rid of the message boxes. Now the play is continuous. The messages automatically clear as you move through the level and there are no forced pauses.
If you need a while to read the message, you can just wait and read it.
If you want to crack on at full speed, you can move through the tutorial as fast as you want.
It’s intended as a mental maths challenge as opposed to a standard platformer. Each play is intended as a challenge to see how far you can take the score. Even though you go back to the same level the operators, number block values and coins on each level are randomised so will be different each time you play.
Once you reach the final factory (level), the game continues recycling earlier factories, but again with different operators, numbers and coins; the game is endless.
So rather than reaching the highest level, the aim is to reach the highest score, which can be helped by looking for opportunities for a second calculation on a level, or the use of x and ÷.