Mobile App Text Input Object Missing Condition

A user on discord wanted to use condition for text input object
Input is submitted

But for him it does not show up
IDK how mobile app works
But he explained that in text of search bar (which is empty and that is clever)
It shows name of selected object with grayed out text
So he did select proper object

Looking it up by search bar also do not show it

Hi @ZeroX4,
thanks for reporting the issue to the forum.

Actually, we didn’t push the new version yet. We will push it when all other issues are fixed.
Thank you for your involvement

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I know this topic is about mobile app and we should per issue create new topic
But it is again issue with text input object and again with same condition
Just on desktop
Which is lack of icon

Yes, it is part of the other issues I mentioned. It has been fixed in FIX the destroy of the form, "is submitted" condition icon, and readonly & disable feature by NeylMahfouf2608 · Pull Request #7363 · 4ian/GDevelop · GitHub

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