Need someone to make a game for me

So my deadline is by the end of the week on Friday to make a simple game these are the requirements:
You have been asked to write a computer game that will appeal to children aged around 8-12.The game involves navigating a character around an area collecting items and avoiding hazards. Collecting items adds to your score, colliding with hazards uses up lives, of which each game character only has a limited number. For example the player could direct a mouse around a house collecting pieces of cheese, but the mouse needs to avoid cats (hazards) which occupy the house. The game should be timed, with player performance based on the score achieved over a certain time. It should also have levels of difficulty with more difficult levels having more hazards, fewer lives or a shorter time. The game should be exciting and fun to play, as well as visually appealing.

So if anyone can help me with this i can pay for your service aswell :pray:
If anyone is willing to help i will really appreciate it.

Hello, while I cannot help you with your project, id recommend going to the website Fivver, and finding someone willing to make a game for you, as this is a Question Forum.

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Unless Fiver is offering the services of a genie or time traveler, I think OP is out of luck.

Putting aside the ethics of asking someone else to do what seems to be your job/study, 3 days to complete what you want is not a lot of time.

However, since you’re in a pickle, I have created you an amazing game that should fit all your criteria’s.

  • Children Aged 8-12 - Kids love the fortnights
  • Navigating Character - Mr fornights moves with your mouse and has amazing movement and flip animations.
  • Collecting Items - Collecting the chugs jugs
  • Adds to score - Got to get 100% battle passes.
  • Has Lives - If you get caught by mom you lose 5 % battle pass.
  • Exciting to play - ITS FORTNIGHT!
  • Visually Appealing - Using only the best assets built into the online editor.

hi thank you but how would i go by downloading the game to my own files?


:rofl: That’s R18…

However, I do not agree with doing what appears to be someone’s project/homework. I’d make sure there’s a sound bite or sprite that lets teh players know it’s written by you…

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I just need a template and iam changing all the sprites and background picture also creating another level which will be harder.

hi thank you but how would i go by downloading the game to my own files?

That was not the response I was expecting lol… download link was at the bottom of the orginal post, here it is again.

:rofl: That’s R18…

No no no, I checked with the supplier. All caffeine free and within FDA regulations… unless…

I’d make sure there’s a sound bite or sprite that lets teh players know it’s written by you…

Yea… I think this one can do without my name… lets call it an anonymous donation to the world of art. :rofl:

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ill rename everything dont worry :rofl: