i am having trouble with my ui layer I have to center the camera on the ui layer so my wanted level will show
I don’t see anything with layers in here is that because you forgot or don’t know how to do it
Mabey i don’t know what i am doing i might need help
I can show you tomarrow I won’t have time today
Ok talk to you tomorrow i will be available around 5:pm mabey later
Click this
Then click this
The rename it and click on the circle. Drag your object to the scene where you want it. Then click on the eye. Then click the circle on base layer and you should have the layer ready. And and show layer on your code that you showed in the picture.
I don’t know if you have done this already but I think this is the problem
And sorry I was a little late with this I was busy.
You center camera on player on all layers
Where you only reposition parts of UI layer to wherever they need to be
For example you want HP bar on top left corner you change its
X pos to CameraBorderLeft() + 10
Y pos to CameraBorderTop() + 10
For x +10 means 10 more pixels to the right
For y +10 means 10 more pixels to the bottom
So it is not exactly in corner
And if you for example have base layer and you center camera on player on base layer
Then you need to do it also on other layers like i mentioned already
Same goes with zoom
Thanks I solved It i really appreciate your help