New Here

Hey Guys,

Im new to gdevelop hoping to make a good game out of it. I have tried other programs before but none worked out for me in the end. I am hoping to make some friends who are interested in the same things, feel free to leave me a message. :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading Sota~

Welcome. GDevelop is a great program and if you work your way through some of the tutorials, you’ll easily get the idea of how the program works and use several different functions.

If there’s anything you have trouble with, the forums are usually a great place to get help.

I hope you have a great experience with GDevelop.

Thanks. I’m working on tutorials as we speak. Encountered my first issue. Hehe

Welcome!, hopefully GD will fit your needs :slight_smile:

If you think we can help you, shoot :smiley:

Welcome to the forums! :smiley: