New unified variables and variables declaration in GDevelop 5.4

I agree with ddabrahim, Lucky-j and ZeroX4 here. Declaring the variables in advance is apparently the best way, but I believe that the user should have the freedom to decide whether they want to do it this or another way, even if the latter is not considered to be ‘good practice’.

It is not only easier for beginners, it also makes it faster to stitch something together for testing or sharing. I see it as a strength that you could do something unoptimized in Gdevelop and it would still run.

Reading through the posts in this topic gave me a flashback to this one 2 years ago, when timers suddenly had to be declared in advance.

Obviously everyone gets used to a new system after spending some time with it, I just don’t believe that those changes make Gdevelop necessarily user-friendlier or faster to use - which is one of the hooks on the webpage to try the engine.