new version bug

can’t open gd.

You should be able to launch GD anyway by clicking on the second button, or on the third to completely deactivate such dialogs.

If you want, you can help me to track the bug:
Download this file:
Extract it in the directory of Game Develop.
Then, go to the Game Develop directory, and drag the file “GDIDE.exe” on the file “gdb.exe”.

A black window should open:
In this window, type “r” and press Enter to start Game Develop.
When the bug occurs, click on the first button.
Then, go back to the bacl window, type “bt” and press Enter.

You can then do some screenshots to show me the information showed after you pressed Enter.

when i click the third button, open the gd,but the ui language show strange char.



it seems the bug is at the read char error,other function run normally.

I think the problem is related to character encoding, as the latest version of Game Develop is using Unicode version of the library which is used to manage the user interface.

Download this (271 KB)

And extract the files inside /locale/en_GB ( Overwrite the already existing files ). Then, launch GD and tell me if it works better.

when i replace the file,open the ge,also meet the same error.
pre-version don’t meet this bug.

when i change the language from en to fr or pt,also meet the problem.

I see some chinese symbols, are you using this language on your computer? ( Or any other non english language? )

yes,my os is win7 64 chinese version.
pre-version of gd don’t have this problem

when i use applocal to run gd,also meet this error,
the error show wxIsStockId SetItemLablel():A non-stok menu item with an empty label?
i searh in google,find some info link. … vel/126804 … Rnp9-lLjcJ

I don’t know code,wish you can slove this problem.

I think the error related to SetItemLabel is related to the translation problem. ( There is no menu item with an empty label, and the error is not triggered on my computer )

can you upload language file of pre-version’s,maybe the trans problem is in the new added items.

maybe the problem meet error with some strange character?

Here are the translations files for GD 2.1.10873 (267 KB)
( As before, extract them and replace GD.po and by these new files )

I download the pre-file,replace it,also meet the same problem…

Could you download and test this version :

The bug is still here, but I’ve made some changes to the ribbon so as to test a solution : Could you take a screenshot of the first page of the ribbon ( just as you did before in a previous post ) ?


