In my project I have 4 buttons that cover the screen, 4 buttons that are the same object, before the most recent update of gdevelop each button I pressed only its script was active, now when I press the last button it presses them all, if I press the penultimate button it also presses the other two before, I even changed the script to for each object but still the same bug remains.
Buttons Code
Not all of your event are using the hitbox is clicked condition. Some have cursor is on object. It looks like you’re using the mobile version of GD. On mobile GD the cursor moves to the touched position and stays there. There’s a mouse action to disable that behavior although in your case, I’m guessing you want each event to use the clicked condition otherwise you’d need to disable the move cursor and maybe add a mouse is down to the events that only check the cursor position.
Either you changed your conditions or maybe the other time you weren’t using the mobile version. IDK.
It’s a good tip, I had never seen this event, but it didn’t solve it
I made a video to show what’s wrong.
When I press the red button (right) the others are also pressed (up, down, left) because they are in smaller positions maybe? When I click the green button (up), it counts as if I had pressed the other two before it (down, left), when I press the blue button (down) it counts both (left)
and there is also the fact that in older versions this bug did not happen
I’m sorry that didn’t help. It’s tough reading someone else’s project without fully understanding the process. I can get a bit of information overload from all of the events. I don’t believe I’m going to be able to help. At least not at this time.
There are a lot of people here who can help. I just don’t think I can at this time.