(Not sure about title)

So, do you think GDevelop would sooner or later update GDevelop to allow ability to use Electron and Cordova installed locally to build as native formats even with no internet without having to upload to their online build service? If no then that’s fine if they want to monetize from their online build service
Sorry if I bothered you guys forum members as a new account; I liked GDevelop and was about to develop a game/app in it sooner or later

I’m not sure what you are asking.

You can build locally today. There are buttons to export for manually building on the export screen, and there are entire step by step tutorials on the wiki. Everything in the “publish manually” section at the bottom is about building the games manually, and is how I do builds myself. Publishing games [GDevelop wiki]

Gdevelop doesn’t control electron or cordova, though, so If they require internet connections themselves that will remain true.

Okay then, with all due respect, I already know I could work with Electron and Cordova by using these apps themselves with their CLI in case I lost my internet connection and also know I could just transfer my project to a different device then upload; when I talk about using Electron and Cordova pre-installed it says it itself about whether GDevelop can detect them then use them to build desktop executables and mobile apps; well if you don’t have any answer then you don’t have to reply and I won’t mind or say anything if GDevelop just continue hosting online build services
Well I also wondered about the technology used in the server(s) for the online build service but you don’t have to and can not answer this or reply at all

Unfortunately I’m still not entirely sure what you’re asking.

However, I think you’re asking if GDevelop has plans to detect if you have the build tools on your machine, and complete the build for you locally. In that case the answer is no, not at this time.

Alright then I think so and alright. I guess that’s done now.