Object Structure Bug

Having more than 4 Object Structures will make the last value something like “null” or “max depth reached”. Changing the “undefined” type to “number” does not work, it changes back to “undefined”

This appears to be just a limit of what the debugger can display:


The debugger won’t go past that many tiers, but the data is correct. Still a bug/limit, but not necessarily a breaking one.

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in my case the values in the game where all 0, its was not just the debugger not showing the values.
But I wasn’t creating the variables in the object variable panel, but via events.

I am able to reproduce my working scenario above just fine using events-only too, do you have a screenshot of what events you’re using?

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I changed my original code a lot, I tried to reproduce it but couldn’t now, it is how you say.