One-click packaging (Windows zip) thumbnail only used if in project root directory

Good morning,

=== The Version ===
Desktop Windows GDevelop 5.4.209, the current version as of August 28, 2024.

=== My OS ===
Windows 10 Home, 22H2, 64-bit.

=== The Problem ===
Despite being able to specify a file of any path to be used as the desktop build icon, a complete compilation using the “Windows (zip file)” one-click packaging service only uses a file as an icon if it is stored in the root project directory (with the project json file), which is not where it is automatically generated.

=== “Have you checked for similar posts or issues?” ===
Yes, I’ve checked in the bug report forum and the issues on GitHub. I have not found anything similar.

=== Steps to reproduce ===

Open GDevelop version 5.4.209.

Create a new project.

Create a 128 x 128 PNG of black pixels.

“Generate icons from a file” using the image.

Take note that the file being used for the “Desktop” thumbnail is “desktop-icon-512.png”, located in the “assets” folder.

Share → Desktop → One-Click Packaging → Windows (zip file). Download the result.

Observe that the icon is the default GDevelop application icon.

Move “desktop-icon-512” to the root project directory.

Change the file’s path in “Resources” from “assets/desktop-icon-512.png” to simply “desktop-icon-512.png”.

Share → Desktop → One-Click Packaging → Windows (zip file). Download the result.

Observe that the icon is the desired image.

I have no further knowledge about this. I do not currently have the resources to determine if this also occurs on MacOS and Linux desktop builds. I hope this report has been useful.

Thank you for your time,
— Clark Padmore

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I have been having this same problem, thank you for the temporary fix until/if they fix it in an update.

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