Hi ! I would love to contribute towards the opening multiple projects of the editor for GSoC . I have prior experience working with React and Electron .I’d be great if someone can inform what should get myself familiar with to get a better grasp of the project .
Hi! Welcome
Have you tried getting the project, running GDevelop and looking at Good First Issues as indicated in the wiki page?
I have actually contributed to a Github issue (Edit Scene Variables) which is currently undergoing review. I would love to work on open multiple instances of the editor using new windows ie a new project is opened in a new window. So in the main process instead of just using mainWindow variable i use a set to keep track of all the windows open. I was wondering If you could give me other tip (technically) on how to go about it
So in the main process instead of just using mainWindow variable i use a set to keep track of all the windows open
That’s surely a good start, but you need to get more familiar with Electron and the API to do this.
I was wondering If you could give me other tip (technically) on how to go about it
I expect that it’s you doing the investigation and suggesting a technical solution
From the renderer process if there are multiple windows. Its possible to get the currentWindow using remote from electron and send it back to the main process using ipcRenderer (for any tasks that requires the main process). So the main process is able to know the particular window that sent the message then respond directly to that particular window after performing the tasks). I feel this would work. But I don’t really have a clear picture if it would work well as expected. That’s why i asked for any technical tip