overlap2d - awesome open source level editor

It supports awesome effects that gdevelop can only dream of.

If only someone made a visual scripting framework that works with libgdx :smiley:

This is a level editor if I’m not mistaken, not a full game engine with events/objects/automatisms/audio support.

Any help to make it compatible with GDevelop scenes is welcome :slight_smile:

It looks interesting, but I don’t see what’s wrong with the gdevelop scene builder.
Also what program do you put it in when you do have a level?

It has lots of effects that gdevelop does not yet.
Did you see the video at their website?

more videos here:
youtube.com/channel/UC8dKKD … WkB3q166pg

What gorgeous lighting and particle system. it supports Spriter and Spline animations, which gdevelop does not.
In short, it supports a lot of things which gdevelop does not.

I dont know. If someone has interest to get it to work with gdevelop, that would be pretty cool thing to see.

We can take some ideas from its interface. The asset browser for example and the way you can parent objects to one another.

Pretty amazing ! It would be really nice to have such enhancements !