Persistent 500 Error Upon Export to

Thanks in advance. This is my first game created through GDevelop. I want to begin by saying that I scoured the forum and found this bug reported and solved in multiple cases; however, none of the solutions have worked for me.

To reproduce:

  • I created a three-scene simple game, highly customized but originally based on the “Dino Run” template.
  • I stored it in the GDevelop Cloud
  • Upon exporting to, it tells me it’s uploading before producing a 500 error (Request failed with status code 500).
  • The log file produced only contains, “Error: Unable to read stream or parse zip: unexpected end of file.”

Based on the solutions to this problem found on the forum, please note the following troubleshooting steps already taken:

  • The game name, scene titles, etc. contain no unusual characters.
  • The game is well under 70MB.
  • I’ve tried storing the game on my computer and exporting from there.
  • I’ve removed all unused resources.
  • I’ve removed all effects.
  • The debugger shows no remaining issues throughout a complete preview runthrough.
  • I deleted each scene, one by one.
  • I tried reducing the game to a single scene with a single object and no events.
  • I tried on different wifi networks, all confirmed to have adequate up- and down-load speeds.
  • I created a new project from a template/pre-made game and exported it successfully — so it indeed seems to be an issue with this particular game.
  • I was able to successfully export to HTML5 and save to my computer.
  • The largest individual files are all mp3s — the largest being 2.8MB and the second and third being 1.1MB each. Every other file is well below 1MB.
  • All relevant game and scene properties are filled out.
  • I’m on the latest build of GDevelop5 (5.4.205-98befc80009883d9131c6b06a40338adf7a61b86, core version: 4.0.99-0-release)
  • Edit: I also tried exporting it from both the GDevelop web app and the native Mac desktop app.

I’m completely out of ideas. Any new ones would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!