Persona extension

This extension provides a set of functionalities split between a couple of behaviors and a custom object type, such as:

  • Custom Avatar object: a multi-layered object which can be used to compose your game characters from multiple parts. It provides various functions to set body parts from url, another avatar object or regular sprites.

  • Personality behavior: A custom behavior to add the personality properties to your game objects such as first name, last name, age, gender, occupation, race and bigraphy.

  • Avatar Body Part behavior: A custom behavior to add the body part properties to your sprites such as name, description and type of the body part. It also provide functions to get/set sprite texture url or set texture from another sprite.

  • Voice behavior: A custom behavior to add the voice properties to your game objects such as Windows TTS voice and MacOS TTS voice. It also provide functions to get/set voices programatically. Intended for use with TTS extension.

:information_source: Download the sample project to see how to use the extension. :information_source:

Up next: Puter JS (GPT) extension - stay tuned!

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