This extension provides a set of functionalities split between a couple of behaviors and a custom object type, such as:
Custom Avatar object: a multi-layered object which can be used to compose your game characters from multiple parts. It provides various functions to set body parts from url, another avatar object or regular sprites.
Personality behavior: A custom behavior to add the personality properties to your game objects such as first name, last name, age, gender, occupation, race and bigraphy.
Avatar Body Part behavior: A custom behavior to add the body part properties to your sprites such as name, description and type of the body part. It also provide functions to get/set sprite texture url or set texture from another sprite.
Voice behavior: A custom behavior to add the voice properties to your game objects such as Windows TTS voice and MacOS TTS voice. It also provide functions to get/set voices programatically. Intended for use with TTS extension.
Download the sample project to see how to use the extension.
Up next: Puter JS (GPT) extension - stay tuned!