Perspective DIABLO 2

I would like to make a perspective, like in Diablo 2.
Isometric character moves, thereby moving objects, as if in 3D


In order to understand my question in more detail, here you will understand what I am talking about 3D-режим в Diablo 2 / Хабр

If one of your people can solve this issue, then you will be simply the best in the whole world!


Нужно ждать, пока вам ответят люди, которые хоть как-то разбираются в теме вот именно таких игр. Реализовать похожее на Диабло 2 - очень трудно!
Перспективы, инвентарь и тд, это очень трудная тема лично для меня)


I found this article Don’t starve, Diablo – Parallax 7 | Simon schreibt. there is a explanation at the end of the page where (update 2 section) where it is explained how it was done (it even used 3D card). To make exact effect in Gdevelop5 would be I think almost impossible, but you can try some sprite scaling (try DepthEffect behavior) also some kind of parallax scrolling, which can look very cool pseudo 3D…

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But if you make Parallax, then the object will not stand still, pretending to change shape, as if moving. It will move around the map…

The closest I can think of is this link to a previous thread about a panorame affect, which distorts the screen. It’s pretty much the same type of thing you’re hoping to achieve, but with a different distortion map.

The last post in that link has an explanation of how the OP went about acheivng the effect, while the second to last post has this link to a YouTube video, in which a distortion filter is applied to a screen.It’s using Pixi.js, which is the library used by GDevelop and so the filter should be able to be written using the javaScript events.

You could do something similar, whereby you have a screen sized distortion map, and only apply it to particular objects (assuming you don’t want it applied to the background)

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General note: I’m seeing folks put [NOT RESOLVED] or similar on their thread titles. Please avoid this in the future. I’m removing this from the forum threads I’m seeing it on and leaving this general message on each one.

We only need “Solved” added to the thread title when it is solved, and in most cases that’ll be added by the mod. Changing the title to [NOT RESOLVED] doesn’t bring in new people to threads and can be interpreted poorly depending on the viewer. Thank you!


You are right, it will move the objects. I it was just ideas to experiment with… Maybe very very little like paralax scrolling on the objects upper on the screen… Or limit the movement…

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