Here is how to poison your project with an image, due to a Piskel issue.
- Create a blank project
- Add a Sprite object
- Don’t add animation, click directly on “Create with Piskel”
- When Piskel is open, import a Spritesheet in Piskel
Now, notice the asset name on top of Piskel
- Remove the asset name to keep the field blank
- Now you can’t change it anymore, you have to keep it blank
- Save your asset like that
It will correctly save, and your project will be usable.
The first frame of your animation will poison every image field that should be blank (project icon, loading screen etc.) due to the fact that Piskel saved it with a blank name.
Workaround : even if you can’t write, you can Copy/Paste letters
Image saved
Blank icons that are not so blank