Preview not updating after i save

So I got about a forth of the way through the example platformer project and now when I save it does not update the preview, so like when I hit preview it uses an old save file, which does not exist. I tried restarting the application and all my work beyond were it previews too is still there, but still it acts as though half my work has not been done… please help :confused:

Can you give us your project ? (here or by private message)

Yeah sure, do you just need is the scene save file? Or more than that?

*if you need the images they are just the images from the basic platformer tutorial…

dsfzas.gdg (28.6 KB)
dsfzas.gdg (28.6 KB)

I think these are the only 2 files in my save, one is an auto save, but it should be the same as the normal scene, because i saved multiple times. Also sorry for the odd scene name, but i saved it as a new separate save after the first save was not updating preview, and it did nothing, but I just kept working the the new scene to see if after a while it would work again for some reason…

I was ale to export it and upload it to gamejolt and it works perfectly, idk if the helps with diagnosing the problem, but I thought I should post it…

It’s maybe a cache problem. When you preview, refresh the page with Ctrl+F5 / Shift + F5 (depending on your webbrowser).

Yep works perfectly now, thanks SOOOO much :smiley: :smiley:

Nice it worked. :slight_smile:
This cache problem is more likely to happen when updating GDevelop (because the files change a lot) but it can also happen when editing the game.

oh ok, yeah makes sense, it also could be that my browser is simply remembering the page, like with cookies, so every time I go to launch it it remembers the last time I launched the preview

also I have to refresh every time I preview, just posting this in case others have the same problem and read this for the solution :smiley: