Project Not Saving!

Hi, Just like to say first that the Game Develop is very good and enjoyable to use. I spent quite a while following your video tutorial online to create the tank game. I even managed to sort a few issues out that didn’t seem compatible with the software I was using. I got the game working and was pleased with my efforts. I saved the Game regularly, by using the file menu. I even saved the game as a ‘new game’ with a new title just to be sure it was saved. I then carried on editing the code. I copied and pasted code from the example template projects into my project and they pasted in OK. I did notice that some conditions and actions that you had, were not appearing in my conditions and actions list, like ‘Go to Scene’ and many others. After a while the project froze and I wasn’t able to do anything. I forced the app to shut down. I reopened my project and to my dismay, nearly all the work I had done was lost. Objects were missing, scenes had gone as well as most of the code. I’m only learning the software at the moment, so its not really important. It may even have been my fault. But I thought you should know. I like the software very much, its friendly and approachable. I would suggest one thing though, There is a lot of mouse movement from the top of the page to the bottom of the page when moving from the Events tab to the Scene tab and then up to the ‘Mode’ Preview icon, play etc, and then from the Edition icon back down to the Events tab. Would it not make more sense to have those ‘Mode’ Icons next to the ‘Scene’ and ‘Events’ tab at the bottom of the page. Just a thought. I will continue to use the software and provide feed back with any bugs or issues I find.

All The Best


By default, Game Develop is autosaving the project you’re editing into a file named yourGameName.gdg.autosave.
Maybe you can try to open this autosave the next time there is a crash.

Be careful too: When you open another game like an example game, if you click on the “Save” after, you will be saving the example game.
To save your game, double click on it in the project manager ( The project’s name will be displayed in bold ). You can also check the title bar which is displaying the filename of the current project.

I’m sure that you have “Go to scene”, it is a builtin function :slight_smile: Double check it, or try to type “Scene” in the search bar which is at the bottom of the actions/conditions list when you edit a condition/action ( Be sure to resize the window so that is large enough to display it ).

There is an option ( Open File menu > Options ) to put the Scene/Events bar on the top :slight_smile: I will change it for the next version, so that the tabs are on the top by default.

Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile: