Question about importing external video

Hello everyone,
I’m basically a film director, but for some time now I’ve been working on the concept of a 2D game that would be a sort of prequel to a feature film. I have no knowledge of code and I’m not keen on trying out engines like Godot or Unity. Gdevelop (or even construct) seem to offer everything I want, but I haven’t yet made up my mind which one to choose. I’d like to create a sequence in my game in which the character watches a movie (1080p file, 1h) and then integrate this video into the game (with the ability to advance in the video, pause it, etc.). Does Gdevelop have the capacity to implement something like this? For all the other points in my game, the engine seems more than capable of doing it, but I need to know if the engine is capable of offering quality video integration. Thanks to all those who reply

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there is a dedicated video-object in the engine. It offers all the things you have mentioned:
video object

But the best to decide whether the engine works for your project is to try it yourself.

Here is some basic information about the video-object:

There is also an example project for a video player:

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Thanks a lot for the answer, so I gave it a try, the tools are not bad and quite easy to master. However, I have one last question, and that’s about performance: a 10-second video takes a relatively long time to load. Is this normal? I thought maybe it was the preview or something?

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You mean the loading time for the example project? For me it is okay but browser-based previews take a bit longer anyway.

Usually I am using the desktop version and a video of 30 minutes (I did not test anything longer) just starts without any significant loading time. I would suggest you test your video in a project and see how it works.