Setting option for points in a sprite doesn't work

Trying to set the options for different points every frame or animation just doesn’t work. Not sure why but it started happening after updating to the latest version. And yes, it still happens when there are more than one frame/animations

Hello, Ahnaf30e!

I’ve done some testing and it seems to me that you need disable the options first and then move the points. If you move your points while the options are enable it will make the changes in all frames/animations and if all your frames/animations have the same points in the same place, the options will be automatically enabled even if you check it to disable and save. So, always when you have only one animation with one frame I think it’s impossible to disable this options. I downloaded the version 5-5.2.172 and it works in the same way.

I don’t know if it’s a bug, but I honestly don’t really like that way it works. It’s confused me a few times. I would prefer that when we click to disable even if all the points were in the same positions that it would continue to be disabled…

Note: The same thing happens with collision masking.