Should GD.Games sublicense games to other platforms? has a lot of, well… games. the games on there are currently being monetized, but they aren’t making too much, even among the most popular ones.

So what I was wondering is if it’d be viable to allow other platforms to license and embed the games from, so that we’d be making additional revenue. does not require your games to be exclusive. You can upload your game to any platform you want, and monetize however you want.

No other platform I can find allows for sub-hosting, and all of them I can find explicitly disallow embedding their hosted games as an iframe on another site.

With the above in mind, while you are welcome to put your game whereever you want, I don’t see the platform ever doing it for you.

A lot of platforms (such as crazygames) allow for iFraming the games that they host, as it’s directly beneficial to their growth.

As far as I can find in Crazygames TOS, they accept iframe games from other hosts, but explicitly say you may not use content on their site hosted elsewhere.

That could be weird wording, and I only looked into it for 5 minutes, so I could be missing an exception somewhere.

That said, it doesn’t really change anything I mentioned above.

I re-read that section of the TOS, and it’s moreso that you can’t modify or reverse engineer the contents of the iFrame, nor infringe on it’s copyright in general.

I’m presuming that you are referring to this section, correct?