Side Project - Z Shuffle

Hello Dev Community,

I’m usually bouncing back and forth between games I want to create when my brain gets tired of one and I shift over to the other.

I am working on another game outside of 'The Darkness Within, called Z Shuffle. My ideal setup will be a simple 3-on-3 card game where you face another player to beat there cards and win. Players should be able to level up their cards and rank up to become the best player of all. I want it to be easy to learn. It’s nowhere near done yet but I had started working on it several weeks ago.

I’ve done a few things as far as concept goes during my free time and have general idea of how the mechanics and everything will play out and I’ve been using the GDevelop App on my Kindle Fire to see how it works that way.

It’s gonna take me a little time to get used to using the GDevelop App on something like that but it’s pretty convenient and I like that I can use GDevelop through the cloud on the go now anywhere without lugging my laptop around.

Z Shuffle


Hello. I have been working on my Z Shuffle in my spare time and I completely forgot like a goofball to ask here first about this instead of trying to gather social media tallies.

My intention for the game is to be turned-based and the current gameplay style is one card per player turn.

The game works by picking three cards, and then choosing from a main deck of three specific type of cards to apply to a card on your line up to use against an opponent. However, it would be one card per turn per player to make a move.

The poll is similar to the one I posted on my social media to get a general idea of things but it would make sense to put it here instead too.

Is one play per turn:

  • Too tedious and slow.
  • Gives me time to strategize.

0 voters