Sneak Peek ---- Space Alliance --Battle for the five planets

Hi there

Today I would like to share with you guys a sneak peek of my new game that I’m busy with. The framework of this game was taken from the space shooter template . Gdevelop is awesome!!! I literally did all of this in 2 days time . I would like to thank 4ian for all the hard work he has put into the new editor. The future looks bright for Gdevelop.
Ps : ddabrahim & Lizard take a look at the end of the video clip. This is where my problem lies with the High Score scene.


Sprites looks really great. Did you make them all including the background?

Hi there ddabrahim

The intro piece was made with blender by myself. I create 3d models then export the images as png.
The voices was created …don’t laugh !!.. with texttospeech. And the sprites I found on opengameart. But I’m currently busy creating my own space ships that will replace the current ones. All texts and logos were made with TextCraft and Aurora Text Creator.


Judging from the intro there is going to be a story in the game. Is there going to be some sandbox like exploration too or it is going to be a linear arcade shooter for the most part, jumping from on scene to the next?

Looks really good. Can’t wait to try it. I’m a sucker for anything with a “space” in the title :laughing:

Everspace? :laughing:

Yeah, it is on my wish list since the release day but feedbacks about the game is so contradictory, many people hate it, others love. It is definitely looks gorgeous but I could not convince myself to buy it so far. A 50% sale could help to make the decision :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m planning to make it a space shooter combined with a platformer. Now you probably gonna think i’m crazy…but after each stage (Space Scene) the player will actually land on one of the five planets and have some playtime there. On the planets you will be able to acquire “booty” aka money that will enable you to buy upgrades and extras for your spaceship.The space scenes and planet scenes will have their own bosses .

What is your thoughts …am I crazy or what ??? :mrgreen:

Not at all. I also played around with the idea of combining different genres in a single game to offer a fresh experience.
So far I had no luck but it doesn’t mean it would be a crazy idea.

I mean, I’m not an expert or anything but personally I do get bored really quickly with games offer the same features like 1000 games before. It might have a different story, different maps but in case the gameplay is the same I normally play the game for max 4 hours or even less I have games I played literally 30 minutes and done. Visuals needs to be really nice to catch my attention and Story needs to be really good to make me want to finish the game and the gameplay need to be fun to make me actually finish the game. Today in 2018 it is not easy to offer a new, fresh or interesting experience when the gaming industry is about to offer photo realistic virtual realities and augmented (holographic) realities. There is really not much left people haven’t seen in games already so no, you are not crazy :laughing: