(SOLVED) Elevator remain stopped

Excellent , i follow your idea of tween behaivor.
Now i have the problem of several floors between the First and the Last.
i m trying to create a MiddleFloorCheck.
I put that sprite for each floor between the TopFloorCheck and DownFloorCheck
Now, Is it possible stop the elevator if reach one of the MiddleFloorCheck by tween behaivor ?

@Midhil it doesn’t run if i do in this way

Because if the elevator is on one of the MiddleFloorCheck, the elevator stop tween (down or up) :frowning:

You need to remove the condition highlighted in red.

And add trigger once where it is highlighted in orange.

Remove the stop tween that is highlighted in green and add pause tween.

You also need to add
if player collision with middle check, Page up key is pressed : resume tween “up”

if player collision with middle check, Page down key is pressed : resume tween “down”

Sorry, I am away from my computer right now that why I am writting it and not sharing a screenshot

@Midhil i do this… and it runs… (more or less)

The last problem is that the elevator when reach the floor_middle, stop before the floor_middle.

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Try moving the middle check a bit more up so that the elevator is in line with the platform.
This is the easiest way or you have to shrink the middle check’s hotbox to just the top of the middle check, because now when it is even slightly in collision it will stop the tween

Hi :slight_smile: The problem get worse when the elevator go down, if i “try moving the middle check a bit more UP” :frowning:
So i modify the hitbox for the elevator and the middle-check only on the top. It’s perfect!
Thank you very much @Midhil and @Gorguruga