[SOLVED] How can i set back the position of the player after switching and coming back i want my player when entering a shop or house and quit it to be near the door not in the original coordinates

This isn’t even the initial question you opened this topic for. The correct approach when you have a different doubt is to open a new topic and resolve it there, instead of continuing to ask in the same place. This is done for the sake of organization: when new users search the forum for answers to their questions, they should find topics properly titled with their respective discussions. However, if a user in the future searches for answers in the forum about the problem described in the title (which is already marked as SOLVED), they will be quite confused when reading comments that do not belong to the initial topic.

That said, there are many topics in this forum asking the exact same thing (regarding health and any other counter, transitions between scenes), and many describe how to solve it, but the advice is the same: use global variables. If this isn’t working in your game, it might be because the expressions (not just the actions) are still pointing to object or scene variables (by the way, global objects are different from global variables), or because you have a mechanism at the start of each scene that resets the health value… but it’s YOUR game, only you know how it’s made and what mechanisms you’ve put in it. When you make changes of this kind, it’s likely that the issue won’t be fixed just by changing a variable to a global variable; you may also need to modify the expressions that reference that value and possibly adjust the mechanisms that set the health value at the beginning of the scene.

As Erdo said you should start new topic on this
But you are setting global variable to what health extension have
You should do other way around set health extension value to what global variable have

Start new topic and we can continue if you want

Alright Alright im Sorry !

problem solved Thank You Man<3

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Hey @ZeroX4 need a help out here plz: Saving and loading/ checkpoint