Hey all, a few days ago I started creation of a GDevelop game. I had been working on it for a few days, making sure to save regularly. (The app was open the entire time) Yesterday, I wanted to close the app to save memory. So I saved my project TWICE just in case, then exited the app. (It had said something like “Project saved successfully.”) When I reopened the app today, the project is gone. GDevelop has 0 memory of my project ever existing. The “Open recent” button shows nothing. I don’t know if my project was saved locally or in the cloud, but I searched my hard drive for a file with the project name and found nothing. I don’t know what to do. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Hi @noescape000 could you share the email you use for your account + your game name at hello@gdevelop.io?
I can take a look to see if I understand what happened.
the email for my account is “noescape000.exe@gmail.com”. I only have 1 project created, I believe it was called “I just wanna create chaos”. Thank you for your support!
I don’t see anything wrong, the game is correctly saved in the cloud and should appear in your list.
Can you take a screenshot of what you see in GDevelop in the Create section? The whole screen?
And for the “Open recent” it only shows local projects, we’re working on improving that.
Ah, I found it, it was hidden in another section. Sorry about that! I’m new to this, so I don’t really know what’s going on. My first instinct was to create a forum post. Thank you for your time and help though! Have a nice day.
No worries! Glad you found it, we’ll improve that “open recent” section.