[Solved] Tween won't get removed

please help me. i’m using a tween to give my player some sort of taking damage effect, but the tween won’t go away even with the remove action. am i supposed to be dong something else? am i supposed to just give the player a permanent tween of 255:255:255?

Can you check by removing this Trigger Once?

Also, you can use the If Tween Exist condition instead of Trigger Once.

And you need to write in Milliseconds in tween duration.


So there, instead of writing 0.8 or .8, write 800 cause 1000ms = 1sec

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i tried everything you asked me to and it still didn’t work :(( player retains their red hue if i’m not in collision with the enemy. it only pauses the tweening.

I’m not 100% sure I understand the question here.

Right now your events just tween the player to a more reddish hue. Removing the tween doesn’t remove the tint. You’d need to do a separate event that sets the tint back to 255;255;255. (Which is “normal”/non-tinted.)

None of the events in the above screenshot do that after the timer is up

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noted. i didn’t know that removing the tween doesn’t revert it back to its original colors. i thought it would. thank you. it’s fixed now :slight_smile:

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No worries! I thought I was missing something in the screenshot.

Think of a tween as “a way to smooth out a number from one to another”, not so much “A temporary filter”

So what it was really doing was just changing the 3 color values to your destination. Not adding an overlay.

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i’ll remember that! thank you so much :)) i’m pretty new to gdevelop and game developing in general and i’ve been learning so much thanks to the community. it’s a dream come true. thank you.

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