[Solved] Want to have a platform shoot up by 100-200px when physics object contacts, then go back to original position

I already had a “At beginning of scene” “reset timer” and it isn’t working.

Are you using a “Repeat for each JumpStick”?

I thought you told me not to use it. You wrote, “You don’t need a repeat for each jumpStick. It just adds processing time and overheads. The “JumpStick is colliding with MainChar” will filter the list of JumpSticks to just that one you’re after.”

Yes, when it gets called up every frame and for every JumpStick object, then you don’t need it because the collision condition filters them down much more efficiently.

This Repeat I’m suggesting is a one off, within the “Beginning of scene” event. So at the beginning of the scene, you repeat for all the JumpStick objects, and reset the timer. It’ll be a one off repeat, only processed once when the scene is loaded.

I’m sorry, I am confused.

I am guessing at what you meant and did the following, but it didn’t work so I’m assuming I misunderstood.

I also tried indenting it just below the “at beginning of scene” section, but that didn’t work either.

It does need to be indented under the beginning of the scene event. Do this by dragging the the repeat event by the blue bar on it’s left side and docking and indenting it under the “At the beginning of the scene” event.

Yeah, that’s just resetting the timers every frame.

I tried that, but it didn’t work.

Maybe I put the “reset timer” in the wrong place? It’s at the end of the tweening commands. As seen here:

As in the dragging didn’t work?

And if you’re not referring to the dragging, can you give a screen shot of the “At the beginning of the scene” events ?

I meant that I had already tried the repeat function both ways, separate, and indented, but neither made the jumpstick not get retriggered every time the main character hit it, even if it was not done with the tween animation.

It’s named “JumpStickDelay” in the beginning of scene subevent, but it’s named “JumpStickTimer” in the collision check event

I’m really bad with making and catching typos. That’s one reason I’ve never been able to get good at programming. Thanks for catching that.

I went ahead and replaced all timer name parts via copy and paste to make sure they were all the same. I put them all to “JumpStickDelay”

But it’s still not working correctly. Any other thoughts? It’s still able to double tap (or more) the jumpstick if it bounces off of something else, and it triggers every touch, even when it didn’t finish the tween, as if the timer delay isn’t working.

You could, in the first event of your screen shot quoted below, add a condition that there is no “moveUp” and “moveDown” tween existing on the JumpStick. This will ensure it only works when the JumpStick is back in it’s original position.

Thank you! That solved that issue.