Hi there!
I know the Spine extension is on the experimental level. However it is so good to have this extension
For us it is the reason to come back to GDev. (I loved GDev from the beginning, but we need to work with Dezues animations in Spine - that’s why I needed to switch engines for a while)
As long as we are working on Spine 4.1 als normal exports are working fine. The animations are running on PC, Web and even mobile Web (awesome!! )
Now we run into the following problem:
- an export with more as 1 texture page cause errors (like: TypeError: Cannot set proporties of undefined (setting ‘alphaMode’)
Background information: a working Spine got more assets without change in the animation. A 2nd texture page appeared and the import stopped working. Reducing the assets (even other than the new ones) made it working again.
Beside that, I tried a workaround with a bigger texture size to avoid multiple pages.
I’m not sure about it, but I found a post inside the forum that 2048x2048 is the maximum texture size. This would explain while changing the texture size in Spine to 4096x4096 also leads to an error in the import of a single atlas page.
It would be such an improvement if we can use multiple texture pages. This would help us to achieve big and beautiful animations
OniGiri ~