Suggestion: Adding Folders to the Objects Panel

If you would like to have Object Folders please head to the official topic [CURRENTLY TESTING] Object Folders and like the 1st message with a heart to vote for it.

It would be great to have a way to group objects / make folders to organize them in the object panel. I have around 1000 objects in my game right now and its really painful to sift through the list every time I want to find something.

I know there is a search feature but there really needs to be a folder system / nested group system. Anything to help with organization would be prime :smiley:

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this has been requested several times and it seems that the developers working on that. Here is a more recent topic:

Just as a friendly reminder: if you have a feature request, please search the feature request category first as there is a good chance what you want has already been requested.

As a reminder all, it is an expectation to search for existing feature requests and update those instead of making a new thread.

With that in mind, this thread will be closed. Thank you.