Thoughts on my new little W.I.P Christmas game 'Jingle Bombs'

I’ve been working on a little Christmassy game since Friday 22nd (Only 4 days ago)

It’s called Jingle Bombs and is a BombJack/Bubble Bobble inspired arcade game…

The premise is to help Santa save Christmas from the evil Krampus, who has planted bombs in Christmas tree baubles in an attempt to sabotage the big day…

Collect and defuse the Baub-Bombs and extra bonus chocolate coins along the way…

Oh and don’t forget your brussel sprouts for some extra Christmas “Magic” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Controls (Currently keyboard only):

Arrow keys for left and right
Space bar to jump (Hold for higher jumps)
Space whilst falling will make the magic happen (Only if the sproutometer has fuel)

Sleeping enemies can be grabbed in Santa’s sack for bonus points and collecting the Baub-Bombs in order will reward you with a perfect clear bonus score!

There is currently only one level on repeat, but it does get increasingly faster each screen cleared!

I will look at adding extra levels, enemies and maybe powerups if you guys like what you see…

Please let me know your thoughts and feedback, I think it’s coming on OK, but I value your thoughts on it!


Great job! Graphically it looks great and the game feels very solid.

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Thank you, I’ve tightened the controls somewhat since the last update, I’m glad that it seems to have worked out well…

All Graphics, aside from the fuse effect on the title screen are my own, I like to make them myself where I can!

That’s very good. I hope you’re working on a bigger project, it seems like you have a lot of potential having done all this by yourself in just 4 days.

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Thank you for your kind words, I’ve been working on a few different projects, i just never seen to finish any of them, I’m too easily distracted!

I like to think of a old or classic game and work out how I can achieve a similar playing style in Gdevelop.

So far I’ve messed around with an Operation Wolf style, crosshair gun game, currently controlled by mouse, but could be adapted to use a Sinden light gun,

A top down bouncing ball game, similar to the classic 80’s game ‘Bounder’,

A Pitfall style, adventure/platform/exploration game,

A vector style Asteroids clone,

A top down Gauntlet style, sci-fi shooter that can use either twin stick controls or keyboard movement and mouse pointer aim,

And several little ZX Spectrum style games that use the original computers colour palette and screen resolution and have a graphics glitch effect overlay that simulates the systems colour clash limitations.

Mostly I just do it for fun and therapy, maybe someday I’ll dedicate enough time and effort to do something more!

That’s good, those are several different game styles.
It’s hard to start something and finish it when it’s a big project. A better idea always comes up ready to make us abandon the project haha. And it is true that doing a larger project requires many other things that are not fun to do and are quite repetitive and boring; Even so, the products obtained can be much better.

Looks nice. The controls are a little hard to handle in my opinion, but apart from that, 10/10. :grinning:

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I was very bad at playing this, but I had a great time anyway. The graphics are really festive and all are very nice! I did feel a little bad about repeatedly, accidentally killing Santa Claus. I like the concept of him saving people from booby-trapped ornaments. I think it goes well with the debate about whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie.