Tiled Export/GDevelop5 Import Tilemap Issue

I have tried importing a tileset and tilemap from Tiled to GDevelop5. While it reads the Atlas perfectly fine, the Tilemap instead reads the tiles I put in Tiled when imported into GDevelop5 incorrectly, as it instead reads each tile to the one to the RIGHT of it (or the one on the far left the next row down if it’s on the edge). The tileset is 9 by 27 tiles if that’s of any note. And the tilemap doesn’t use “Infinite” for size. I have visual examples here of the tilemap in Gdevelop5, the tilemap in Tiled, and a visual example of what I mean with it reading the tile to the right (as it shows that tile instead).
I know it’s not an atlas issue as the collision matches the incorrect tiles still, so it’s reading the tiles wrong.
Tiled Issue 1
Tiled Issue 2
Tiled Issue 3