Top Down + Jumping - Beat'em Up system - 2 Players

I’m still working on a Beat’em up prototype… :slight_smile:

MrMen you gave me some good advices… can you have a look to my program? I think it’s possible to simplify it… particulary the enemy FSM system (Idle/Walk/Attack).

:fist_right: New version: 3.1 :fist_left:


DEE82, Maybe interesting for you too :wink:

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I can’t for a good 3-4 weeks time. I’m spending most of my spare time on other projects with deadlines. But there are others on the forum who may be able to help out before then.

No problem thank you for your answer … I will continue my experiments! :pray:

My last prototype :slight_smile:

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It plays like the Double Dragon in the arcades. Excellent job :heart_eyes:

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Xanks I did my best! :slight_smile: