Tried to create an object with an unknown type

Hi. I don’t know if this is a bug.
I can’t run native linux games (the shmup example) on Xubuntu 14.04.2-64 and GDevelop
Problems with ParticleSystem::ParticleEmitter.

This is the terminal output:

[code]nch@mdlr:~/Shoot$ ./GameLinux
GDevelop - Release
Built 3/04/2015
Target system : GNU/Linux, 64-bits

  • Loading builtin extensions… BuiltinObject, Sprite, BuiltinCommonInstructions, BuiltinCommonConversions, BuiltinVariables, BuiltinMouse, BuiltinKeyboard, BuiltinJoystick, BuiltinScene, BuiltinTime, BuiltinMathematicalTools, BuiltinCamera, BuiltinAudio, BuiltinFile, BuiltinNetwork, BuiltinWindow, BuiltinStringInstructions, BuiltinAdvanced, BuiltinExternalLayouts, done.
    Loading extensions for GDevelop C++ platform… done.
    Resource file set to /home/nch/Shoot/./gam.egd
    Getting src file size…
    Getting src raw data…
    Successfully loaded src
    Loading game data…
    Tried to create an object with an unknown type: ParticleSystem::ParticleEmitter for platform GDevelop C++ platform!
    Tried to create an object with an unknown type: ParticleSystem::ParticleEmitter for platform GDevelop C++ platform!
    Tried to create an object with an unknown type: ParticleSystem::ParticleEmitter for platform GDevelop C++ platform!
    Tried to create an object with an unknown type: ParticleSystem::ParticleEmitter for platform GDevelop C++ platform!
    ImageManager: Loading ExplosionTexture.png.Successfully loaded ExplosionTexture.png
    Loading RuntimeScene from a scene…ImageManager: Loading spship2.png.Successfully loaded spship2.png
    ImageManager: Loading star2.png.Successfully loaded star2.png
    ImageManager: Loading star1.png.Successfully loaded star1.png
    ImageManager: Loading Camera.png.Successfully loaded Camera.png
    ImageManager: Loading asteroid7.png.Successfully loaded asteroid7.png
    ImageManager: Loading spship.png.Successfully loaded spship.png
    ImageManager: Loading Panel.png.Successfully loaded Panel.png
    ImageManager: Loading Health.png.Successfully loaded Health.png
    ImageManager: Loading Power.png.Successfully loaded Power.png
    … Done.
    Loaded compiled code0x1dcc5b0
    ./ExeLinux: symbol lookup error: /home/nch/Shoot/./ undefined symbol: _ZN19ParticleEmitterBase7SetFlowEf

Any idea?
Thanks! :slight_smile:

Are you sure the Particles extension is activated? :slight_smile:

Hi, thanks for the reply.
Where can I check that?
When I make a preview of the game, without compile, it works.

Yeah, in the editor GD loads every extension, so no matter if you active it or not, it will load. But when compiling, GD exports some extra files for every activated extension (I think it needs to do some links too) :wink:
Open the extensions window, you can find it in the left window (the Project manager), do a double click on the last item (Extensions)
and check the Particles extension, if it’s already activated/checked, we have a problem :slight_smile:

Thanks Lizard-13 and sorry for the delay, I was traveling and offline.
Extensions are active, so must be another problem.
After Install GDevelop from the ppa, I checked some dependecies were not installed, for example gcc if I’m not wrong.
I will try then something like apt-get purge and reinstall GDevelop again.

A french guy from the forum complaint about that too. I fixed the bug (almost now) and sent a fix to 4ian (he is responsible for the Ubuntu build so you’ll have to wait a little to have the fix).
Meanwhile, you can copy the needed extension from /opt/gdevelop/CppPlatform/Extensions/Runtime to your game folder.
I’m currently sending the fix on OBS (for Fedora, OpenSUSE and ArchLinux).

Perfect, that worked. :smiley:
Thanks a lot.

Thanks for the quick fix Victor, I’ll release a new version with it.

Thanks for the update 4ian.
Now works correctly.

Sweet :slight_smile: