Ubuntu 32 bit Installer

I’m new to Game Develop.
Does anyone know how to install Game Develop on Ubuntu 32 bit? Because I only see 64 bit deb package.
Can I compile for 32 bit myself ?
If I want to compile it myself on 32 bit Ubuntu, does I need Ubuntu 13.10 or I can use Ubuntu 12.10 or latest version (14.04) ?

Sorry for my bad English,
Thank you…

Game Develop is officially supported on 64 bits Ubuntu because almost all PC are 64 bits now.


Thx for the answer.
Sorry for the late respons, I’m away from my computer for a few day.
I’m already follow all the step to compile on Ubuntu 14.04 (32 bit), but I have error after generate using cmake-gui and run “make” command.
Error log on attachment file.

How to solve this error?
error log.txt (8.84 KB)

GD now is undergoing some changes to prepare it for Victor’s TileMap extension (some innards needs to be changed). That’s why you get some errors as Victor needs to copy some code from sprite object into separate classes. Depending on how often he is checking in the code, it may cause such issues.

I’d wait a week or two, checkout git again and try to compile another time.


[ 11%] Building CXX object Core/CMakeFiles/GDCore.dir/GDCore/IDE/Dialogs/LayoutEditorCanvas/LayoutEditorCanvas.cpp.o /home/username/GD-3.4.73/Core/GDCore/IDE/Dialogs/LayoutEditorCanvas/LayoutEditorCanvas.cpp: In member function ‘virtual double gd::LayoutEditorCanvas::GetMouseXOnLayout() const’: /home/username/GD-3.4.73/Core/GDCore/IDE/Dialogs/LayoutEditorCanvas/LayoutEditorCanvas.cpp:1375:71: error: ‘mapPixelToCoords’ was not declared in this scope return mapPixelToCoords(sf::Mouse::getPosition(*this), editionView).x; ^ /home/username/GD-3.4.73/Core/GDCore/IDE/Dialogs/LayoutEditorCanvas/LayoutEditorCanvas.cpp: In member function ‘virtual double gd::LayoutEditorCanvas::GetMouseYOnLayout() const’: /home/username/GD-3.4.73/Core/GDCore/IDE/Dialogs/LayoutEditorCanvas/LayoutEditorCanvas.cpp:1380:71: error: ‘mapPixelToCoords’ was not declared in this scope return mapPixelToCoords(sf::Mouse::getPosition(*this), editionView).y;

I’ve extracted interesting bit from log (rest are either OK messages or standard “compiling failed” errors). So it seems problem is in GD’s code as it doesn’t yell that it can’t find includes or anything like that.

No, the error doesn’t come from there (the tilemap object hasn’t been merged, is still on my GD’s fork and is perfectly building :sunglasses: ). It’s seems you don’t have download the correct version of SFML. Have you downloaded the version proposed in the official doc ? If that the case, try to download the SFML for Windows and compile it for Linux (in a build-linux sub-folder). Then, you should try again to compile GD.

Normaly, the SFML version that you can download using the link in the documentation is up to date: it is a version precompiled for Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits :slight_smile: