I did not know how to describe it in title properly
In short of it
I made project like 1 year ago which had two games in it
Later i just copied project folder and removed one of the games from it
Leaving there only that other game (i mean in duplicated project)
When i was publishing it to get that link with game name instead of string of numbers and letters like d4as8w-sd45w51
It had link name of that old project so i changed it in dashboard to what i wanted
To make it simple i lets say i had project named SKJ Game
Link i get from it to gd games ended with skj-game
And that one game i wanted to separate from it was BC so i changed name to BC Game and url to bc-game
Today i wanted that original project (SKJ Game) which had 2 games in it to have also that link
I assumed since I am not using skj-game link but bc-game for my other project i can use for that original one skj-game again
When trying to save changes in game dashboard > edit details
When i click save i get error
“Unable to update the game slug. A slug must be 6 to 30 characters long and only contains letters, digits and dashes. Verify you internet and try again.”
I was assuming its due uuid in json file is the same so i removed it from original project SKJ Game to generate new one
But nope it did not help
I did try to open it on gd games with url ending with skj-game and it was leading to that bc-game url
So it turns out like because skj-game url was registered to some game
Even so i changed that duplicate games url to bc-game
Opening url with skj-game did redirect me to bc-game
I found this reddit post
And changing skj-game in game url field to something else
For example game-skj did fix it for me
To my understanding what is going on is
Imagine you made a project called it My Game
Now you publish it and you get url to gd games which ends with my-game
Now you renamed it to Do Not Play It and to reflect that you changed it gd games url to end with do-not-play-it
BUT now when you try to to open gd games with url ending with my-game
For example https://gd.games/yournick/my-game
You will be redirected to https://gd.games/yournick/do-not-play-it
And you get that error if you try to save changes in your game dashboard if that kind of url exist or redirects to some other game