Unable to open game

I’m suddenly not able to open my gdg file anymore. If I try to open it from Recent projects, nothing happens, and if I try to open by doubleclicking the gdg file or from the File - Open menu, I get the “The program has stopped answering…” message (not sure if it says exactly that in English - I have Norwegian OS).

I have a feeling it happened after I started to use the extensions. Is there anything to do about it, or have I lost it all? I can’t find any autosaved files either.

Send me your .gdg file so as to let me see what is making GD crashing.
Autosaved files are saved in a file finishing with .gdg.autosave, in the same directory as the original .gdg file.

Thanks. I tried to open the autosave file now, but I get the same error with that.

It is indeed related to the widgets extension which is crashing when opening an object.
I’ll try to fix this as soon as possible.

I’ve found the bug into the Widgets Extension, I’ve noticed the author about it, a fixed version should be available soon. :slight_smile:

What is the bug ? I don’t have any message showing the bug ?

I thought I send you a message about it. The problem is in WindowObject.cpp: You have to put this code :

//Colors "Schemes" borderColor = new ColorScheme(sf::Color(100, 100, 100, 255)); backgroundColor = new ColorScheme(sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 255)); textColor = new ColorScheme(sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 255)); titleBarColor = new ColorScheme(sf::Color(0, 148, 255, 255));

just after

//Create the SFGUI Entry object obj = sfg::Window::Create();

in the constructor.
Otherwise, the constructor calls SetMargins on the object, leading to a call to UpdateProperties which create the crash as it is called before the colors schemes are initialized. :slight_smile:

Ok, I will publish a new version this week-end.

Thank you guys :slight_smile:

I’ve just updated the extension : http://gdextensions.levasseursoftware.net/?page=widgets&subpage=telechargement&lang=en