Upcoming Vampire Detective Visual Novel

Currently in the works of making a small project using me and my friend’s ocs. This will be my first time making a game in general, especially a visual novel. It will be a quick game from the scope I have so far, and I am slowly chipping away at learning Gdevelop in terms of code. Right now I am still in the building phase with code and assets, so what you all see will be subject to change. I have to continue drawing up more character sprites and figure out how to have more than one character show up on screen- :sweat_smile:

As of now, I could say I am about 25% (?) of the way done just from the 10+ hours I have under my belt right now.


Good luck with your VN!

Just import more images in the project and add the object in the correct layer.
You could also try to use the hide and show events if you want to switch characters. Or put different characters in one object (each character = seperate animation) and change the animation name in the events if required.