hi everyone I have updated ghosts 'n castles version 1.1 changed the title of the game and the boss battle part to a shmup and other improvements. check out link below to play! any feedback appreciated.
hints: collect the gate key right as it appears for score bonus. complete the stage in 2:30 minutes or less for a score bonus. complete the stage with no continues for score bonus. find hidden chests blue = weapons, purple = powerups and pink = health.
Crikey, I remember this from last year when you did 1.0! Loved it very much back then and it’s even better now.
Props to you for the bonuses - I can’t say I’m skilled enough to get any of them (perhaps the quick key pickup but not sure haha), but I loved the hidden chests. Good to see Plague Knight too in the midway point’s still as sneaky as ever!
Loved the new shmup part as the boss - awesome bullet spray too, and with the bright green heart hitbox on the Princess it was easy to discern at a glance when you’re in danger, which is bloody brilliant.
Excellent controls too - the double jump’s very responsive, much better than the original game that this vaguely resembles (that one had the most annoying jump in my opinion - always found it annoying how Arthur couldn’t change direction or momentum mid-jump).
Again, lovely graphical style too - if you’re the one designing the images too, you’re definitely onto a winner, 100%. I’m kinda gutted that more people aren’t playing it to be honest!
I can’t say anything for sound as my speakers have blown on me laptop at the moment, so I’m afraid I can’t give feedback on that.
Keep it up though, if you intend to add more levels and other features I think you’d have a game you could charge real money for! Nicely done!
are you aussie so am I. ahaha I have been working on updates to try and get more people to play and the feedback has been so encouraging it keeps me going and means allot that people take time to send feedback . I added chests and bonus scores make it feel more like a proper game ahaha there is a blue chest at the start if you move left once you know where all the hidden chests are the stage is much easier. I don’t remember playing the original except on master system back in the day was brutal ahaha. thanks I have a background in art trying to do pixel art since I started a few years back. I want to add stage 2 I have already done the art but haven’t started on development would like to see how this update goes hopefully more players playing and currently working on 2 more games thanks again for the positive feedback it encouraging to know others are enjoying the game as much as I do.
Hahah sadly I’m not, bit of a cockney british git XD Aye - the updates seriously bring more pep to it; the game feels more rounded out with the added chests and pickups, not to mention the score-fiends out there’ll love trying to max it out. Didn’t know about the blue chest at the start! Thanks for the tip haha!
Your artistic skill will really be the thing to allow your creations to stand out, methinks - it’s fluid, easy to interpret and the colour palette’s just beautiful. Speaking as someone who can’t draw for toffee I’m a lil’ envious, but in all seriousness it is great! You’ve got some serious skill.
Stage 2!? Aww heck yes! Hmm…you probably already know this but there’re other places to get your game out there, from the top of me head some reddits for game development (or if you have the stomach for potentially harsh critique, even r/DestroyMyGame) might give more players/feedback. Because your game’s on a website I think more people’ll play as they won’t have to download/install anything. Sorry I can’t give any more websites!
Gonna be keeping a shrewd eye on your progress! All the best to ya!