Video Tutorial - Saving/Loading (HTML 5)

Hi, everyone!
Sorry for bumping this thread. The problem that I have currently, related to the topic discussed here, so I think this is the best place to post my question.

After watching that tutorial about highscores and save load, I still a bit confused, so I tried to simplify my test project to focus more on the save load system only. Due to my lack of knowledge, however, I can’t make it work. I don’t know if it’s because I missplaced the events, or because I missed some variables, or because of something else.

I uploaded the project file below. I hope someone could see it and point me to my mistake in the file. My plan was to make the number can be changed when the left mouse button is pressed, and then that number suppose to be saved when the player pressing right mouse button.
As you can see, the number couldn’t be saved and therefore cannot be loaded after the game restarted.
saveLoad_system.gdg (10.1 KB)

Your problem is that you are saving global variables and loading scene variable.

Ah, you’re right! Thanks a lot, Pleox! The problem is solved now. Finally… :smiley: