Why is this simple multiplayer is not working? need help

it works on the computer with 2 windows preview. But on itch player 2 gets always disconnected at start. Here are the 2 scenes: can’t be more simple

Only on itch? What about GDGames?

I’ll try GDgames when my buddy is available.

yeah same on gdgames, player 2 gets disconnected. Even with the game example of the wiki. So it doesn’t come from my game. Something else. Crazy nobody can find the reason why the example given by the wiki doesn’t even work

Which example? Can you link to it?

GDevelop 5 i dowload it on my computer as is and then put it on itch and gdgame. We tried it a moment ago. Player 2 gets disconnected right at the start

I’ve managed to replicate the issue with the GDevelop example multiplayer arrow fight game. I compiled it and put it on gdgames - https://gd.games/mrmen/cynical-copper–multiplayer-pl

I ran it in two different browsers on my computer. The second player just gets sent back to the main screen with the error message that is was unable to connect to other players.

I’ve changed the category for this thread to bug reports.

I read somewhere you should not try it with yourself. The 2 players have to have different computers and IP. Anyway I tried it with a friend so it still bugs even in this case. Thanks for helping. I have been mentioning this bug for 2 weeks now.

Is someone going to look into this? I just need to know because my whole project is stopped.

I don’t know. I don’t work at or for GDevelop.

thank you for trying to help! You acknowledge the multiplayer behavior is not working? So it doesn’t come from me, right?

That what it seems like if we can both get the same issue.