[WIP] FairyTales'n Castles | action platformer

This game is a variation of Ghosts’n Demons featuring the first stage with an unique character, enemies, and boss. The build has no audio and is intended for playtesting and feedback.




Play the game here any feedback is appreciated thanks!


Very nice!
Maybe you can use UP arrow for jup. In a few countries the keyboard layout has the Z and Y keys swapped.

Hello the public demo is out link is same as above. please take a moment to check it out and give feedbacks if you could thank you!

new UPDATE added hidden chests around the stage with powerups and a few minor updates to game. click on post link above to play!

chestpink pink chests have a heart
chestblue1 blue chests have more powerful weapons
chestpurple1 purple chests have powerups for a limited time

HINT move to the left at the beginning of the stage to spawn a blue chest.

This game is a winner!

This is amazing, awesome job! I love everything about it, from the awesome sprites to the sound effects.

Everything seems well balanced in terms of sound, controls were instantly well explained, everything i just really well done!

The old school arcade feel is off the hook!! I really looks like something i could be playing on an arcade machine at he pub.

But -200 DKP for you being a horrible person that likes to torture people with a Ghouls and Ghosts style game lol :smiley:

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I just beat the first level, was a ton of fun, even tho you overtunned the heck out of the spawn timers lol

The first half of the level was way harder because of the non stop spawning.

Untill i found out how overpowered and fun the ground pound was, what an awesome mechanic, made the game way more fun!

The pumpkin wasent very challenging, it was just annoying to deal with and sorta stopped the momentum of the game.

It would be way nice if the pumpkin came down, waited a sec, shot at you, then fly up and down, repeat, that way youd plan for it, and kill it off quicker.

The boss was the easiest part of the game, there was so little going on in comparison with the rest of the game, was just a formality to finish the level.

All in all still a 10/10 game, has loads of fun!

Also, performance was amazing and i played the whole thing on a Gamepad, everything worked perfectly, no issues and no bugs!

Keep it up!!

Make a big game out of it!!

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Mate, I have to echo what MagicBiscuit wrote above - this game’s extremely well tuned! Must admit, upon seeing the Ghouls-n’-Ghosts style I was a little worried but seeing the 5HP gauge made it sooo much better in my opinion!

Controls are snappy and not counter-intuitive when used together, the game runs at a solid, constant high FPS and the presentation, don’t get me started! Those graphics? Chef’s kiss. Along with that music? You’re making the kind o’ game I’d love to play again and again!

The boomerang lollipop was ace too, made short work of the evil tree at the end haha!

Loving the Plague Knight reference (if it was one) too when he popped his head 'round the corner by the flame fountain!

Definitely think the spawn rate is a tad too high (personally), but it is very similar to the Ghouls-n’-Ghosts game so that’s just to taste!

Again, please do carry on with this game, the polish is spot-on!