Wish to create Habitica (RPG style productivity app) for the Environment - need collaborator

Hey! Do you care about the environment?! I made a free MVP of what my project is about here: https://fastfrwrd-earth.my.canva.site
Habitica is an RPG style productivity app. I wish to do that for eco action based on one or more of my narrative game IPs. 2 are PG and 2 are 18+.
I wish to film some of the creation process while discussing world issues like this podcast: Aleya

I do lots of fun stuff for the environment. this post can possibly be twofold therefore. A podcast style gdevelop tutorial of banter and learning and app development in gdevelop.
Who wants to work with me?! Message here and I’ll respond with my email/video conferencing room!
Games portfolio can be found on itch with username wheelsgr.

Let’s save the world naughty or nice :smile::partying_face: