Wizards of Alverta Monthly Dev Blog 6

Pretty uneventful month, I’ve been more focused on college & work. But, I will go ahead and inform you of what I have done.

  • Finished my Save/Load System
    This is a system I’ve wanted to implement for a while, my last game which was deleted cause I didn’t feel it was worth selling (It was too low quality.) Didn’t have one but for some reason I implemented a working seasons system (Don’t know why I did, Don’t care remembering why) but in it you’d have to beat in in one go or none, and I didn’t like that.

  • Finished making the Players Second Attack
    The Melee attack for the players done, and it’s a slash near the player, its gained from another system I finished this month but it deals 2 damage instead of the 1 damage the mana bolt deals, I believe it encourages getting in close when the opponents are using ranged spells.

  • Finished the Money System
    If you remember I’d made the decision to make a money system during august. I am happy to say that it took about five minutes to do, that’s due to the font being too big for a bit there haha.

  • Gambling System
    LETS GO GAMBLING- I finished making a shop, but me being me I didn’t wanna make a menu, so instead of using the system I planned out I went with ol’ reliable. That being gambling. It’s a one in 10 chance to get your hands on the mana slash spell (Yes I locked a non-essential spell behind a gambling mechanic) I was rather unlucky and got it on my like 15th try, so I may up chances in the future.

----------------What am I working on?------------------------

  • Healing System
    This will be the last feature added to the mana pack of spells. I have plans to make a different form of healing or stopping bad effects in each spell group. For the mana group I made a few potion charges. I like it and I wanna show those here.
    New Piskel-1.png (2)
    New Piskel-2.png (3)
    New Piskel-3.png (2)
    New Piskel-4.png (1)

I think they’ve worked out pretty well and you do get these off the bat, I’m thinking make it heal 1-2 health to the player. I got inspiration from the Estus Flask from Darksouls.

  • Boss Fights
    After I finish this last portion of the mana spell set I will be starting on the first boss fight of the game. Once that done it will be released as a free Demo and that will be the one of the final demos I do.

Anyways Heres to another good month of Game development!