One long string for the way it is in the screen snip.
If you want to split it into a more readable structure and do 32 chars and then press return, then I suspect GDevelop treats the return character as another char and you’ll have to multiply the row_number by 33.
Yes, if they are looping through the whole array. However, I also wanted to show the OP how to access any cell in the array, and thought two loop events would kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.
Thanks I have it working nicely, it shows the values of cells:
Centre, Left, Right, Up and Down, I want this info for my movement data and collision data, now the question is how can I turn this into a function just by passing the variables row_number and Column_number and getting back the data from cell_valueL, ect ect for all the directions?
hi, can anyone help with this, I have tried and tried to solve it but I can not figure out if its possible.
I would like to change the below into a function that I can repeatedly call.
I need to pass the two variables row_number and column_number and in return get the values of cell_valueL, R, U and D, will these variables have the values when the function finishes and I only have to pass the input variables?