3D camera rotation using touchscreen swipe on mobile

Hi, I am making a 3D parkour game and I would like to be able to have mobile 3D camera rotation using a finger swipe gesture but I have no idea how to do it. I know this question has been asked before but no one has given a working answer so far. It would be really helpful to now how to do it.


I have same question…been looking for the answer since 2023 :smiling_face_with_tear:

These guys managed to do it with gdevelop in this game. Cubic world
Play Cubic world

Would anybody who has bought the cubic world template look at the mobile controls to see how they did this?
This is what I made and it doesn’t work.

Play Project Parkour

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Its kinda annoying, they should make tutorial on how to do this.
Because a lot of players use mobile

I agree. Does no one have a solution?